Which one sir ? hey you, yeah you ! hey mr. perfect, you've got all the perfect things in your life, what are you looking for ? what did you found in me ? i am the exceptional, cause you are, or cause we are, or cause am i, or are we ? i loved someone who didn't want me, because it will be so..."he don't want me" i don't know what exactly happened between us ? are we ? or just me ? or do you ?
apa yang mengganggu fikiranmu belakangan ini ? setelah hari itu ? setelah justru aku menganggap semuanya cerita pendek, bahkan tanpa prolog, hanya ada sebuah perdebatan monolog temporary...bukan begini, tidak seharusnya terjadi, bukan untuk aku ! you know what the last time i'm thinking about ? it's my direction ! sorry it's not you !
Aku bukan menampik bukan munafik, sumpah aku juga sempat terkesan, itu juga sempat berkesan, kamu pun sungguh mengesankan...you were so beautiful for me ! you treat me like a queen for only that day, and you keep try try try, but you will keep lie lie lie, but it will keep so beautiful for me...that was so beautiful for me...but if i hate you, all you're gonna do is never care for me, but see...kamu masih memperhatikan dari jauh...am i feeling so good ?
It's only a think ! we don't need to belong together...
I know...it will always be a question, you will always looking for the answer...but i have my own direction, i'm sorry...i have to step forward, and not into you !
Saat pertanyaan itu terjawab,
Bali - 03 Oct 2010, 11.01 AM
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